Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pluralism? Religion? Salvation?

Aren't all religions the same?
Don't all paths lead to the same god?
All world religions claim to have heard from God, so aren't they all the same in the end?
If we are sincere about our faith (in whatever religion) won't God reward that commitment and effort?


Is there a specific world religion that saves?
Is it only Islam? Is it only Confucionism? Is it only Christianity?
And how do we know which one is right?

Paul addresses RELIGION and PLURALISM thinking in Galatians. It wasn't a book written only for people 2000 years ago, but written even for the modern (and post-modern) man to answer these type questions.

I recently addressed these issues in a sermon on Sunday night entitled RELIGION SAVES? (audio can be found here). I would love your feedback as we continue this conversation in our world.

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